Wednesday, February 4, 2009


We made it into Mountain View, CA late Wednesday night January 28th. Tim's friend Jeff Lang welcomed us to his home to stay for a couple nights. Jeff is a freelance yoga instructor in the area and we are very envious of the lifestyle he leads. He took us to breakfast on Thursday morning and we explored Silicon Valley. In the afternoon we met up with Jeff's friend Lauren and got yummy felafel. After lunch we went to a fish/reptile store where we witnessed Jeff fall in love with a yellow and pinkish striped "king snake". He would later go back and buy it. After a busy day of walking around and taking in the sites we were looking forward to one of Jeff's yoga classes. The style of yoga he teaches is bit unorthodox to the usual flow styles that we're used to. We did the spider and frog crawls; definitely a fun and challenging class. After yoga Jeff took us to a delicious Ramen noodle restaurant - that's right, Ramen. This is not your average cup of noodles. The dishes are elaborately prepared and quite tasty. The next day we met up with a friend of Julie's, John Hawley. He took us up a very windy mountain, where we would eventually arrive at the state park Big Basin. It was so amazing to see the very old and tall red woods. A cross section of one of the trees indicated that it was almost 2000 years old! We took a hike through one of the trails before heading down to grab a bite. Very hungry, we quickly spotted a large Whole Foods where we scarfed delicious burritos. We capped the night off by having a few drinks at a local Irish pub, Scruffy Murphy's. Fun times in Sunnyvale! Onward to the 'City'...

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